- Since 2017, I design and implement training courses on the prevention of violent radicalization for various professional categories (mainly school teachers, social workers, educators, mental health professionals, security operators) in collaboration with public and private bodies.
- I deal with the supervision and planning of psychological and pedagogical interventions in cases of adherence to extremist groups of different types.
- I work as a forensic psychologist.
- Since 2012, I am a member of the Radicalization Awareness Network promoted by the European Commission to fight violent radicalization https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/networks/radicalisation_awareness_network/ran_practitioners_db/cristina-caparesi_en
From 2004 to 2020, I have been consulting in the field of group dependence in religious, ideological and violent groups for SOS ABUSI PSICOLOGICI, https://www.sosabusipsicologici.it/ .
From 2007 to 2020, I have coordinated the Center for Work Harassment of Udine (in partnership with the Province of Udine and now the Municipality of Udine) and of the trade union CISL (in partnership with the Municipality of Pordenone), https://www.antimobbingfvg.it/ .
From 2018 to 2020, I have been coordinating the Center for Work Harassment of Gorizia for SOS Abusi Psicologici ODV (partnership and the Municipality of Gorizia).
And also:
From 2000 to 2008, I collaborated with numerous schools in the province of Udine for educational projects.
From 2017 to 2019, I collaborated with the Department of Penitentiary Administration (DAP) for the realization of the European project RASMORAD "Raising awareness and staff mobility on violent radicalization in prison and probation services", https://exitscs.it/progetti-realizzati/#Partner-del-Progetto-Rasmorad